Planning a family reunion, a school field trip, birthday party, graduation party or a team celebration? Whatever the occasion, the City of Aztec has several great locations to host your event!

Rental Contact

Tiffany Simmons, Business Office Supervisor

Business Office & Park Rentals
201 W. Chaco St.
Aztec, NM 87410
Monday through Thursday 7:15 am to 5:00 pm
Location Map (PDF 125 KB)

(505) 334-7670 - office
(505) 334-7679 - fax

Park Pavilion Rental Information

The City of Aztec has made pavilions at its city parks available to groups, organizations and individuals on a rental basis. Reservations are not required to use our City Park Pavilions as long as the pavilion has not been reserved. To guarantee pavilion for a specific date and time for your special event, a rental agreement must be signed and payment received by the City of Aztec.
Reservations must be in person at the Utility Office, 201 w. Chaco St., Monday through Thursday, from 7:15 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Call in reservations will not be accepted. Reservations are first come/first served basis. We cannot hold a reservation unless payment has been made.
Rental agreements are intended for use of the pavilions/shelters/stage for individual or family events/celebrations.
Exclusive use during these events does not extend to other parts of the park or recreational areas.
City services (staffing, electric, water, etc...) are not provided when renting a park pavilion.
If you are looking to host a large special event (public or private), See the Special Event section below.
The parks are well cared for and we ask for your cooperation in keeping them that way by cleaning up after you event.
It is recommended that you survey the park to ensure it has adequate facilities to meet your needs before making your reservation.

Rental Fees will not be refunded due to cancellation or weather conditions. Cancellations can be rescheduled within the same fiscal year (July to June); the fee paid will be applied to the new reservation.

The City reserves the right to deny a rental agreement based upon the lessee's past use of City facilities.

Fee schedule for reserving a Park Pavilion:
1/2 hour to 2 hours $20.00
2 hours to 4 hours $30.00
4 hours to all day $40.00

Special Events Applications

A Special Events Permit is required for events that are expected to draw a large number of people due to their nature, interest, location, promotion or any combination of similar influences that are to be held on public property or on private property that affects public property that require support and or resources from the City of Aztec. This includes vendors, solicitations or performances.

Special Event Application is required for events that:
1. Are expected to draw a large number of people due to their nature, interest, location, promotion or any combination of similar influences.
2. Are held on public property or on private property that affects public property.
3. May require support and/or resources from the City of Aztec.

Applications can be obtained in person at the City of Aztec, Utility Office located at 201 W. Chaco St., Aztec, NM.

All applications must be completed in-full at least 30 days prior to the event.

The following documents are required to complete your application:
1. First thing you need to determine is what park you would like and its availability for the specific date and time to hold your event. It is recommended that you survey the park to ensure it has adequate facilities to meet your needs before making your reservation.
2. Review the agreement with city staff.
3. ADA accessible restrooms are in all parks However, you may need to provide additional restrooms (portable toilets) depending on the estimated attendance you expect, a recommendation for the number of portable toilets is 1 portable toilet for every 75 people per a 12 hour period, with a daily cleaning service.
4. If there will be Alcohol served at the event, the Aztec Police Department will provide security. There is a security fee that will be assessed and will be determined by the Aztec Police Chief by the number of hours and the number of officers needed for security while alcohol is served.
5. If your event will have alcohol provided, (only allowed from a beer brewer, wine grower and/or craft distiller) your vendor will need a public celebration permit from the state, in which will need approval from the City before you sending the Public Celebration application into the State Alcohol and Gaming Division for approval, copies of application and approval will need to be submitted with application before the event.
6. A waiver of liability must also be signed by the event sponsor. The waiver is within the agreement packet.
7. A City of Aztec Park Rental Agreement Approval Form will also need to be completed. This form is also in the agreement packet and will need to be taken to each department listed to obtain approval, talk about your event and what resources and support will be needed from City Departments. Such as electricity for band, food and other vendors, fencing for alcohol sales, a stage for the band, RV parking for vendors, band members or night watchmen if event is more than a one day event etc.. A pre-event walk through of the site may be required by City of Aztec staff.
8. Included in your rental agreement will be a site map of the Park you have chosen for your event. You will need to mark the space you will be using for the event, marking where alcohol will be sold, entrances, vendors, music entertainment, seating, parking, etc... This map must be completed before you visit each department, so they have an understanding of what resources and support is needed for your event.
9. Once your agreement has preliminary approval, you will need a certificate of liability insurance naming the City of Aztec additionally insured for $1,000,000 for the date of the event. The agreement contains more information regarding this requirement.
10. If you are planning on any bouncy houses, or other activities your partner vendor will also need to provide certificate of liability insurance, using the same stipulations as the one required from the event sponsor, naming the City of Aztec as additionally insured for $1,000,000.
11. All food vendors will need to obtain Temporary Food Permits from NMED and shall be included in your agreement.
12. Each vendor will need to obtain a Special Event Business License (1-3 days) or provide proof of a current annual City of Aztec Business License. To apply for a City of Aztec Business License, the vendor can visit the Aztec Utility Office.
13. Upon submittal of the completed application, the utility office staff will breakdown the costs associated with the event. Once payment is received the event sponsor will receive a Special Event Permit for the event.
14. The Event sponsor or designee will need to keep in contact with the utility office to give updates and/or notify us of any changes to your event. Two weeks prior you will need to contact city departments to confirm your resource and support needs for the event so that staffing and equipment are scheduled for your event.
All Parks Rentals
Print Version of Parks Rental Info & Map (PDF 199 KB)

Parks & Recreation Fees

Sec. 16-11. Definitions.

All day
The time of a day between dawn and dusk.

Security Fee
All renters scheduling a Park for a festival or similar event, where alcoholic beverages are sold and/or served, will be required to have security for the event. Security must be provided by and under the control of the Aztec Police Department. The number of officers required will depend on the type of event and number of people that will be attending event. The number of officers will be determined by the Aztec Police Department

Special Events
Events held in Aztec City Parks will be open to the public.

Sec. 16-12. Park Pavilion Rental and Riverside Park Bridge Stage Rental.

Time Allotment Fee
1/2 hour to 2 hours $20.00
2 hours to 4 hours $30.00
4 hours to all day $40.00

Sec. 16-13. City Park Rental for Special Events Open to Public.

Deposits - Rentals Fee
Deposit, per event $ 100.00
Park Reservation $ 50.00
Striping of Park Area $ 25.00
Portable Stage Rental, includes setup and removal $ 250.00
Install Temporary Fencing, per 500 feet $ 30.00
Temporary Electric Pedestal, per pedestal $ 15.00
Permanent Electric Pedestal, per pedestal $ 5.00
RV Hookup, per space per day $ 5.00
Security Fee, per officer / per hour $ 40.00

If there is a need for City Staff to clean up park or repair damages after an event deposit shall be forfeited.

Chapter 16. Fee Schedule (PDF 605 KB)

General Park Rules

For a complete set of park rules:
Chapter 22 of the Aztec City Code, Public Property, Article V - Use of Parks & Recreation Areas (PDF 132 KB)

Alcohol/ Smoking
The bringing in, possession, or drinking of alcoholic beverages at any park or recreation area is prohibited unless a permit is obtained and an applicant produces the proper insurance coverage. Police presence for security is required.

No amplified music, whether live or recorded, is allowed at any park of recreation area. The City may allow exceptions to this regulation under certain circumstances and through a permit process for a special event.

Commercial Use of Public Properties
The use of City parks or recreational areas or the use of any facility thereon for private gain or commercial purposes is prohibited. Excluded are concessionaires, vendors, or other organizational groups who have been approved by the City and received a permit.

New Mexico Game and Fish regulations govern all fishing activities. New Mexico State fishing license is required for each individual. Fishing is permissible at Riverside Park pond, Tiger Park reservoir, and along the shores of the Animas River.

Liability Insurance and Waiver Of Liability
Assumption of Risk and Indemnity Agreement

The lessee agrees to conduct all activities lawfully while upon the premises. The renter expressly agrees to indemnify and hold harmless, at all times, the City from liability for damage to or caused by its members, employees, agents representatives, guests, volunteers, vendors, etc. arising out of or connected with the use or occupancy of the designated premises or any part thereof and will provide proof of said indemnity in the form of a valid and existing policy of insurance, for groups larger than one hundred (100), or for any event in which amusement equipment is used. Such policy will be in accordance with the New Mexico Tort Claims Act and will be in the amount of one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars combined single limit and the renter shall have the City of Aztec named as an additionally insured entity on the policy for the duration of the Event. The lessee agrees that before any event in which amusement equipment is used such as batting cages, climbing walls, inflatable amusement devices, dunking tanks, animal rides, trampolines etc.; shall be approved by the City of Aztec and renter will provide a copy of insurance liability certificates and it exclusions from insurance policy; a Waiver of Liability, Assumptions of Risk, and Indemnity Agreement signed by an authorized sponsor/participant. Documents must be provided to reservation staff prior to issuance of a permit.

Glass Containers
The use, possession, bringing in, or carrying of glass bottles, drinking glasses, or other glass containers in City parks or recreational areas is prohibited.

Motor Vehicles
It shall be unlawful to operate a motor vehicle on roads other than those established and/or on parking lots provided for such purpose. Speed limit at all parks is fifteen (15) miles per hour unless posted differently otherwise.

Park Hours
The following neighborhood parks shall be closed from 10:00 pm to 5:00 am:
• Cap Walls Park
• Florence Park
The following parks and recreational areas shall be closed between the hours of 12:00 am to 5:00 am:
• Hartman Park
• Main Avenue Courtyard
• Riverside Park
• Tiger Park

Parking is available in designated parking areas only. Vehicles parked in unauthorized areas are subject to towing at the owner's expense.

Prohibited Activities
Abandoned vehicles Excessive noise Selling goods/services
Alcohol Fireworks Soliciting
Camping Fires except in BBQ grills Swimming in Ponds
Destruction of vegetation Glass containers Unleashed pets
Dumping Harming wildlife Weapons

The activities listed above does not included every possible activity that is prohibited. All activities must be approved by the City of Aztec before holding such activity.

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