East Aztec Arterial

Phase 1a

Phase 1a was completed in 2011 with NM DOT ARRA funds, provided the realignment of NM 173 and provides access to Aztec Municipal Schools Athletic Sports Complex and Tiger Park / Reservoir #3.

Phase 1b

Phase 1b was completed in 2016. It involved the construction of the road from U.S. 550 south of Aztec Well Service to Williams Arroyo in which it also included the bridge construction over Williams Arroyo.

Phase 2

Phase 2 connects Phase 1a and Phase 1b and will provide access to private, state and federal lands for future development. Phase 2 will consist of construction of 1.8 miles of paved roadway which will finally connect U.S. 550 on the south with NM 173 on the north.
  • • Cut & fill dirt work underway.
  • • Waste removal from illegal dump when land fill was closed is completed.

  • Last Updated 1/29/2025

    Construction Underway.

    East Aztec Arterial