The City of Aztec has opened up a trash convenience center located behind the Aztec Family Center at 325 S. Ash Avenue. Access is via gravel road south of the Aztec Family Center. Below are the rules for use by Aztec residents.
All collections made by the contractor for other than a qualified physically disabled resident, shall be made at curbside from the streets, except where special circumstances warrant otherwise, and where approved by the City.
As an ongoing effort to make our City a safe place, please abide by the following as set forth in Chapter 21 of the City Code:
Carts must be place in the gutter, with wheels against the curb.
Carts should be at least four feet (4 ft) apart and four feet (4 ft) from any other obstruction (e.g., mailbox, vehicle, etc).
Carts should NEVER be placed on the sidewalk.
All emptied containers shall be removed from the curb area within 12 hours after collection. Storage of carts between collections shall be at least 10 ft away from pickup location.
The key is to focus on the basics and keep recycling simple. You will create the greatest benefits by following these easy steps at the holidays and all year round:
Focus Recycling Efforts Recycle all your bottles, cans, paper, and cardboard. If you're not sure whether something can be recycled, put it in the trash. Adopt the saying, "when in doubt, throw it out.
The Shape of Plastic Matters With plastics, use the shape of the bottle to determine if it can be recycled. Recycle all bottle, tub and jug-shaped plastics. If it's a clamshell, flower pot, tube, or another shape, remember the saying "when in doubt, throw it out."
Set A Reminder For Pickup Set a reminder on your calendar for your monthly recycling pickup day. If you want to start recycling, contact Waste Management at (505) 327-6284.
Simplify Recycling for Guests Hosting a holiday party? Set up a specially-marked recycling container to collect empty aluminum cans and plastic bottles. Empty every drop of liquid before
While glass isn't allowed in your Waste Management recycling bin at home, you can bring it to either Waste Management recycling drop off sites. Drop your empty glass bottles with the lids removed into the separate bin for glass at both locations, and it will be put to its next best use.