Aztec is one of several airports located within New Mexico that features a retroreflective landing light system. This system uses reflectors that are located along runways edge at standard intervals.
White beacons are located for runway line up and end designators. Activate beacons by clicking 5 times in 5 seconds on 122.9 Mhz using the aircraft landing lights will "light up" the runway reflectors at about 1-1/2 miles out.
A pulsating light approach slope indicator (PLASI) system is available and also activated on the CTAF.
The City of Aztec is initiating a study to complete an Airport Layout Plan (ALP) Update and Narrative Report for the Aztec Municipal Airport. The objective of the ALP Update and Narrative Report is to provide the City with a future development plan that will satisfy aviation demand and identify the critical aircraft, address airport issues and needs, address new FAA design standards, and update the Airport Capital Improvement Plan (ACIP).The study is expected to run six to nine months with two Planning Advisory Committee (PAC) meetings, a public information workshop, and a City Commission presentation at the conclusion of the study.