Airport Advisory Board
The Airport Advisory Board acts in an advisory capacity to the City Commission to encourage and insure the safe, proper and orderly use and development
of the airport.
Meeting Date: 3rd Monday (January, April, July, October) at 4:30 pm.
Meeting Place: Commission Room of City Hall
➠ Agenda
⇩ Board Member List
[PDF 58 KB]
Economic Development Advisory Board
The Economic Development Advisory Board acts in an advisory capacity to the City Commission to encourage economic development within Aztec.
Meeting Date: 3rd Thursday of each month at 8:00 am
Meeting Place: Commission Room of City Hall
➠ Agenda
⇩ Board Member List
[PDF 44 KB]
Library Advisory Board
The Library Advisory Board advises the City Commission on the expenditure of funds for the operation of the Public Library.
Meeting Date: 2nd Thursday of odd months (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, Nov) at 5:30 pm
Meeting Place: Public Library
➠ Agenda
⇩ Board Member List
[PDF 111 KB]
Lodger's Tax Advisory Board
The Lodgers' Tax Advisory Board advises the City Commission on the expenditure of funds for advertising, publicizing and promoting tourist attractions and facilities in the City of Aztec.
Meeting Date: 3rd Monday of January, March, May, July, Sept, and Nov at 2:00 pm
Meeting Place: Commission Room of City Hall
➠ Agenda
⇩ Board Member List
[PDF 28 KB]
⇩ Request for Funding
[PDF 103 KB]
➠ Form W-9, Request for Taxpayer Identification Number and Certification
Planning & Zoning Board
The Planning & Zoning Board advises the City Commission on land use issues in the City of Aztec.
Meeting Date: 3rd Thursday of each month at 2:00 pm
Meeting Place: Commission Room of City Hall
➠ Agenda
⇩ Board Member List
[PDF 397 KB]
The Economic Council Helping Others Inc., dba ECHO Inc. has been incorporated since 1967 as a 501-c-3 non-profit. This 'Community Action Agency - (CAA)' administers numerous programs throughout the northern half of New Mexico.
Meeting Date: 3rd Thursday every other month at 5:30 pm
Meeting Place: TBA
Farmington Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO)
Provide a forum to develop an effective transportation system to move people and goods safely, economically and efficiently while maintaining a high quality of life.
Technical Committee Meeting Date: 2nd Wednesday of each month at 10:00 am (Different Locations)
Policy Committee Meeting Date: 4th Thursday of each month at 1:30 pm (Different Locations)
Four Corners Economic Development
To develop sustainable economic programs for San Juan County, New Mexico.
Meeting Date: 2nd Wednesday every other month at 7:30 am
Meeting Place: Quality Center ofr Business, San Juan College
NW New Mexico Council of Governments (NWNM-COG)
The Northwest New Mexico Council of Governments (NWNMCOG) is a voluntary association of local units of government, serving as the regional planning organization for the northwest corner of New Mexico.
NW New Mexico Seniors
Meeting Date: 2nd Wednesday of every even month at 9:00 am
Meeting Place: Farmington Senior Center Annex, 208 N. Wall, Farmington, NM
San Juan Regional Medical Center
San Juan Regional Medical Center's is owned and governed by the citizens of San Juan County, with SJRMC leasing the property from the county. It is a 501(c)3 non-profit private corporation and is governed by a Board of Directors representing, first, the community.
San Juan Water Commission
The San Juan Water Commission, through a Joint Powers Agreement was created on March 5, 1986, to protect the use of future and existing water rights and water resources of its member entities.
Meeting Date: 1st Wednesday of each month at 9:00 am
Meeting Place: San Juan Water Commission Office, 7450 East Main Street, Farmington, NM