Step 1: | Read through the Lodgers' Tax Ordinance within Chapter 27, Article II. of the City Code.
Step 2: | If you have not already been issued a Business License, please fill out the application and return to City Hall, 201 W. Chaco St., in Aztec. |
Step 3: | Complete the Lodgers Tax Occupancy Report (Print, Complete). Taxes due require completed form and money mailed to or brought in person to the Utilities/Business office. Payments NOT received by the 25th of the month are subject to penalties equal to the greater of 10% or $100.00 and interest on the unpaid balance at the rate of 1% per month. |
Step 4: | How can the City of Aztec help advertise your rental?
Would you like to have a post on our Tourism Website? Submit your info to |