What is Stormwater?

After it rains or snows, watch the water run off your roof, across your driveway, and down the street. Water makes its way to the nearest stream, lake, river, or wetland picking up litter, bacteria, chemicals, sand, and other pollutants. Some of the water evaporates back into the air, some water soaks into the ground, and some water travels over the surface of the land. This water is referred to as "Stormwater".

Stormwater runoff is rain or snowmelt that falls on streets and other impermeable surfaces and is difficult to control. The contamination of stormwater is caused by everyone, because we all have an impact on our landscape and we all contribute to stormwater pollution by what's on the ground:
Oil, grease, metals and coolants from vehicles;
Fertilizers, pesticides and other chemicals from residential, commercial, and agricultural landscapes;
Bacteria from pet waste;
Soil from construction sites and other bare ground;
Soaps from car or equipment washing;
Cigarette butts and other litter; and
Accidental spills, leaky storage containers, and whatever else ends up on the ground.
That contaminated stormwater runoff then runs into nearby gutters and storm drains and into streams, lakes, rivers. In most areas, stormwater runoff enters these waters without being cleaned of pollutants. These pollutants may harm or kill aquatic life, reduce the beauty of the natural resources, and impair waters to the point that they must be closed to fishing and swimming. The City of Aztec encourages local residents and visitors to the Animas River and area waters to help prevent stormwater pollution.

  • EPA Brochure - Tips on Preventing Runoff [PDF 1.2 MB]
  • ➠ Tips to Controlling Your Pollutants
  • ➠ Proper Installation of Best Management Practices (BMPs)
  • ➠ Illicit Discharges

  • History of Law and Program

    As authorized by the Clean Water Act, the National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permit program controls water pollution by regulating point sources and discharge pollutants into the waters of the United States. Point sources are conveyances such as pipes or man-made ditches. Municipal facilities must obtain permits if their discharges go directly into surface waters. San Juan County and the City of Aztec must develop and implement a storm water management program within the urbanized area as defined in the 2010 Census and Region Six EPA.

    On March 7, 2003 a joint Notice of Intent (NOI) was submitted by the County and the City to obtain general permit coverage under the NPDES storm water program for small Municipal Separate Storm Sewer Systems (small MS4's). The permit became effective on July 1, 2003. An amended Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) was submitted on August 2, 2007. As part of the permit requirements this SWMP is available for public review at the Public Works Office located at 610 Western Dr, Aztec, New Mexico, during normal business hours.

  • Storm Drainage Master Plan (2024) [PDF 2.2 MB]
  • Storm Drainage Plan NPDES Report 2022 [PDF 4.8 MB]
  • Storm Drainage Plan NPDES Report 2021 [PDF 4.4 MB]
  • Storm Drainage Plan NPDES Report 2020 [PDF 7.6 MB]
  • Storm Drainage Plan NPDES Report 2019 [PDF 2.8 MB]
  • Storm Drainage Plan NPDES Report 2018 [PDF 2.8 MB]
  • Storm Drainage Plan NPDES Report 2017 [PDF 5.3 MB]
  • Storm Drainage Plan NPDES Report 2016 [PDF 5.6 MB]
  • Storm Drainage Plan NPDES Report 2015 [PDF 4.8 MBv
  • Storm Drainage Plan NPDES Report 2014 [PDF 9.5 MB]
  • Storm Drainage Plan NPDES Report 2013 [PDF 7.5 MB]
  • Attachment 1: Map of Aztec Storm Drain Locations [PDF 253 KB]
  • Attachment 2: Map of McGee Park Storm Drain Locations [PDF 119 KB]
  • Attachment 3: Map of CR 350 Storm Drain Locations [PDF 64 KB]

  • Multi Sector General Permit

    In 1990, the EPA established permit requirements for stormwater discharges associated with industrial activities. The EPA defined the term "associated with industrial activity" in a comprehensive manner to cover a wide variety of facilities. This permit requires industrial facilities to implement control measures and develop site specific stormwater pollution prevention plans (SWPPP) to comply with NPDES requirements. As part of the Multi Sector General Permit (MSGP) requirements the SWPPPs for industrial facilities for the City of Aztec are available for public review at the Public Works Office located at 610 Western Drive, Aztec, NM during normal business hours.

  • Aztec Municipal Airport SWPPP 2021 [PDF 3.8 MB]
  • Wastewater Treatment Plant SWPPP 2021 [PDF 3.1 MB]

  • Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) Links

  • EPA Brochure - Tips on Preventing Runoff [PDF 1.2 MB]
  • ➠ Cleanups in My Community (
  • ➠ Rainfall Erosivity Factor Calculator (
  • ➠ Storm Water (

  • New Mexico Environment Department (NMED) Links

  • ➠ Water Resources & Management (
  • ➠ Point Source Regulation Section (
  • Mapping Tools
  • ➠ Groundwater Contamination Mapper (
  • ➠ Impaired Waters Mapper (

  • Climate Links

  • ➠ ACIS Climate Maps
  • ➠ NM Climate Center
  • ➠ NM Drought Classifications

  • For questions or concerns regarding City Stormwater issues:

    Laurie Martinez
    GIS Technician
    (505) 334-7663

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