Since 2003 the City of Aztec has participated in the Youth Conservation Corps program offered through the State of New Mexico. Their services have been invaluable in helping us improve the City's park system. We would like to thank all of those who have served the Aztec community by giving their best and working hard in making Aztec a better place to live and play.

View the long history of projects the City has had with the YCC program. The Youth Conservation Corps (YCC) Commission offers a $1,500 Tuition Voucher or a $500 Cash Bonus to YCC members who have worked in a YCC project for 12 months (52 weeks) in a 48 month period (4 years). To learn more about the New Mexico State Youth Conservation Corps program: Learn more about career solutions for New Mexico's youth, high school and higher education students:

YCC 2025 Summer Projects

Project 1. Riverside Park Aztec Disc Golf Course Expansion

Add three additional baskets to the 6-hole course. Involves digging holes and mounting the basket post in concrete. T-box frames will be constructed with 2x4s in the size of 4ft x 6ft. Excavate the turf to 3 inches down so that the T-box frames will sit at ground level surface.
Riverside Disc Golf Project

Project 2. Riverside RV Parking

On the north side of Riverside Park is existing parking area. Part of this area is ideal for developing parallel parking for RVs. Each of the five RV spots will have electrical hook-up and picnic table.
Riverside RV Parking Project

Alternate 1. Riverside Park Post & Cabling Refurbishment

In 2019, post and cabling was redone at Riverside Park. However, all the posts installed were not filled and capped. This has caused some problems with people stuffing trash into the posts. Identify posts that are not capped. Fill each post with sand, then pour concrete for permanent cap.
Riverside Posts Project

Alternate 2. Animal Shelter Dog Park Amenities

In 2024, the YCC program installed a shade structure and various dog features constructed with recycled tires. The City would like to add a watering station which will require the installation of a water line, frost-free faucet, and water tank. Tasks will involve excavating 2 ft deep water line trench, install PVC water line and connect to frost-free faucet, and excavate pit to install metal water trough for holding water.
Animal Shelter Dog Park Project

Alternate 3. North Main - Rio de Animas Trail Signage

Signage would enhance visitors' experience on the trail between North Main and Rio de Animas Park. Each sign location will consist of 3" by 3" square tubing construction at an above ground height of 6-1/2". Sign panels will be 4' by 4' single sided and oriented towards the trail. This project will hinge on whether City staff is able to manufacture the sign frames. If made, then YCC will be responsible for installation. Task will involve excavating holes for signposts and installing sign panels.
Rio De Animas Trail Signs Projecy

Alternate 4. Rio de Animas Parking & Trail

The remote parking at Rio de Animas is currently dirt and during inclement weather the parking lot gets severe ruts and can be unusable at times due to mud. task will include clearing vegetation and spreading/compacting gravel.
Rio De Animas Parking Lot Project
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